Coming soon
Poulnabrone Dolmen
Clints, Grykes, Dolmens
Much of the wonder to be found in the Burren lies in exploring the rocky landscape. What at first appears to be very barren actually holds a wide variety of plant life. We will join a local expert from Heart of the Burren walks to learn about the history, geology, and botany of the region. Other explorations will include walking the old Green Road along the limestone mountain, visiting the remains of ancient ring forts, and seeing the famous Poulnabrone Dolmen.
Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher
While many highlights of our tours feature quiet places off the beaten path, the Cliffs of Moher deserve all the attention they get, and we wouldn’t want anyone exploring this corner of the world to miss them. We will walk along the cliffs, enjoying spectacular views of the 600 foot limestone cliffs dropping to the ocean far below. Sea birds wheels on the updrafts, a tower house perches on a cliff edge, and far out to sea the Aran Isalnds can be seen.
Aran Islands
Aran Islands
Weather permitting, we will take a ferry over to the Aran Islands for a day of explorations. Enjoy the hour long ferry ride and hopefully get to see dolphins or seals along the way. Once on the island, participants can choose to walk around the narrow lanes of the island, rent a bicycle, or hire a pony trap and driver to give a guided tour.